Services | Automatic Fuel Delivery

Automatic Fuel Delivery Makes Your Life Easier.
Never worry about running out of fuel again with Jacobs Petroleum Automatic Fuel Delivery. We make it easy for you to rest assured that your tank will never be empty. Jacobs Petroleum offers this service for our customers' convenience and peace of mind. We know you have a lot to manage, and your home fuel level shouldn't have to be on your mind. Automatic Fuel Delivery takes one more thing off of your to-do list. In fact, you'll never have to give it a second thought.
We can set up fuel deliveries to occur automatically and prevent you from having to check your fuel level. This service is available for customers using all heating fuels, including propane, heating oil, or dyed kerosene. The only requirements are open-access to the customer’s tank, and either an approved charge account or another payment method on file.
Delivery schedules for heating fuels are not time specific, but are based on the weather and average consumption to provide a better estimate of when the delivery is needed.
For More Precise Control, Try Jacobs Fuel Tank Monitor.
Take your automatic fuel delivery to the next level with Jacobs Fuel Tank Monitor. Firstly, our fuel tank monitors send the current reading back to our dispatch offices where our 24/7 dispatch team monitors the level of our customers' tanks. Secondly, we customize each tank to send us an alert when a tank hits a level of 30%. Thirdly, and most importantly, this triggers our team to schedule a delivery of fuel, taking the guessing game out of our customers' fuel needs.
Tank monitoring is available for most propane tanks, as well as many heating oil and kerosene tanks. Monitoring is not available for underground heating oil tanks.
Get Started Today
Contact us today and speak with one of our knowledgeable and experienced sales staff about arranging automatic fuel delivery, or installing a tank monitor at your home.