Services | Fuel Tank Monitors

Never Run Out of Fuel with Our Fuel Tank Monitors
Jacobs Petroleum fuel tank monitors and automatic fuel delivery ensure our customers never have to worry about running out of fuel. Our fuel tank monitoring systems eliminate the worry of checking fuel levels. Firstly, our fuel tank monitors send the current reading back to our dispatch offices where our 24/7 dispatch team monitors the level of our customers' tanks. Secondly, we customize each tank to send us an alert when a tank hits a level of 30%. Thirdly, and most importantly, this triggers our team to schedule a delivery of fuel, taking the guessing game out of our customers' fuel needs. Our fuel tank monitoring service is great for vacation or rental homes, where usage varies, as well as customers who want to have the extra assurance and peace of mind that the fuel tank monitor provides.
Contact us today and speak with one of our knowledgeable and experienced sales staff about installing a tank monitor at your home. Tank monitoring is available for most propane tanks, as well as many heating oil and kerosene tanks. Monitoring is not available for underground heating oil tanks. Ask us about our tank monitoring program today!